So, we've got loads of quotes tests in English

The above is most certainly true. Thus, being sick and bored while I eat, I have begun the task of typing out all the quotes in Great Expectations. Not the whole book, just what the characters say. I'm not quite sure how far I'll get, or if I'll finish before finals, (as I've a lot of makeup work to do due to my illness :p ) but nonetheless I feel I should share what I've completed with anyone else who may soon be taking a plethora of quotes-quizzes. I do not own any of the photos used in this website nor any of the novel. This is simply intended as study aid.

< Yes, see, by Charles Dickens, not me.

^Does anyone else think older-Pip is always portayed quite handsomely? No, just me? Mmkay.

If you're wondering, this was made on 17 March 2011. (St. Patrick's Day. :D )
Chapters 1-4 added 17 March 2011
Chapter 5-7 added 18 March 2011
Chapter 8 and 9 added 19 March 2011
Chapter 10 added 20 March 2011