So, what are these numbers that keep appearing beside the text? If you're reading the publication by Aladdin Classics, you know. No, they will not subside. Embrace them; they make your life more interesting.

These come from very eclectic sources...
32Pip has been running through the marshes when 34he encounters a second convict. He runs, and finds the original one.

35Convict: What’s in the bottle, boy?

Pip: Brandy.

Convicts takes the food

Pip: I think you have got the ague.

Convict: I’m not much of your opinion, boy

Pip: It's bad about here. You've been lying out on the meshes, and they're dreadful aguish. Rheumatic too.

Convict: I'll eat my breakfast afore they're the death of me. I'd do that, if I was going to be strung up to that there gallows as there is over there, directly afterwards. I'll beat the shivers so far, I'll bet you.

Eats food

Convict: You're not a deceiving imp? You brought no one with you?"

Pip: No, sir! No!

Convict: Nor giv' no one the office to follow you?

Pip: No!

36Convict: Well, I believe you. You'd be but a fierce young hound indeed, if at your time of life you could help to hunt a wretched warmint, hunted as near death and dunghill as this poor wretched warmint is!

Pip: I am glad you enjoyed it.

Convict: Did you speak?

Pip: I said I was glad you enjoyed it.

Convict: Thankee, my boy. I do.

Pip: I am afraid you won’t leave any of it for him. There’s no more to 37be got where that came from.

Convict: Leave any for him? Who’s him?

Pip: The young man. That you spoke of. That was hid with you.

Convict: Oh ah! Him? Yes, yes! He don’t want no wittles.

Pip: I thought he looked as if he did.

Convict: Looked? When?

Pip: Just now.

Convict: Where?

Pip: Yonder, over there, where I found him nodding asleep, and I thought it was you.

Convict is startled and grabs Pip by collar

Pip: Dressed like you, you know, only with a hat, and - and - and with - the same reason for wanting to borrow a file. Didn't you hear the cannon last night?

Convict: Then, there was firing!

Pip: I wonder you shouldn't have been sure of that, for we heard it up at home, and that's further away, and we were shut in besides.

Convict: Why, see now! When a man's alone on these flats, with a light head and a light stomach, perishing of 38cold and want, he hears nothin' all night, but guns firing, and voices calling. Hears? He sees the soldiers, with their red coats lighted up by the torches carried afore, closing in round him. Hears his number called, hears himself challenged, hears the rattle of the muskets, hears the orders 'Make ready! Present! Cover him steady, men!' and is laid hands on - and there's nothin'! Why, if I see one pursuing party last night - coming up in order, Damn 'em, with their tramp, tramp - I see a hundred. And as to firing! Why, I see the mist shake with the cannon, arter it was broad day - But this man; did you notice anything in him?

Pip: He had a badly bruised face.

Convict: Not here?

Lightly strikes left cheek

Pip: Yes, there!

Convict: Where is he? Show me the way he went. I'll pull him down, like a bloodhound. Curse this iron on my sore leg! Give us hold of the file, boy.

Pip indicates whereabouts of the man as the convict tries file the iron from his leg. 39Pip leaves.